Name: Brook Kuhn
Online Alter-Ego: Rurouni Ken-ouki or the Total Anime Nut

Favorite Anime: Slayers
Favorite Manga: Love Hina
Favorite Console Game: Too many to count
Favorite PC Game: Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights

Brook was born amidst the steel mills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and spent five years of his life there before moving to Balitmore, Maryland, then to Chicago, Illinois, back to Pittsburgh, and finally (for his senior year of high school) to the city of angels. While moving right before your senior year of high school sucks, something good did come of this. Brook joined the Animation and Video Animation club at his new school in hopes of learning how to draw. He never did, but he was exposed to anime such as Neon Genesis Evangelion, Tenchi Muyo, and Ah! My Goddess. This was five years ago and he hasn't stopped watching since.

Being creative beyond the point of control, Brook and his twin brother, Owen, are completely able to watch, read, or play anything without coming up with at least one or two ideas for something they'd create in that genre. Video games, cartoons, anime, you name it. Brook hopes to turn this into a profitable career by designing video games, a couple of which he has begun to create (although the Lord knows if he'll ever finish them).

Once in college, a simple thing changed him once again. A friend casually mentioned a webcomic known as Sluggy Freelance, and he was hooked. He now reads over two dozen webcomics, and isn't afraid of adding to that list if he stumbles across another good one. Naturally, his creative juices led him to concieve numerous ideas for a webcomic of his own, including the now realized Diana of the Hunt.

Brook also enjoys writing. He's been a big fan of the written word for a long time (He learned to read at the age of 3). A particular love of his, both to read and to write, is the fantasy genre, and he hopes to see "Brook Whitman Kuhn" on a Borders bookshelf someday. In the meantime, he practices fanfiction to hone his writing skills, and runs a fanfiction review site with a friend of his.